Day 30 (August 2nd, 2010)
Title: Parcheesi
Continuing with my Games subject-matter, our friends Amy and Luis brought over a classic game this weekend: Parcheesi! Not only that, but it was an antique version that really had a LOT of character. You can see more of the Parcheesi shots at my Flickr site.

Day 30! I have made it a month! When I started this project, I really thought that I might last 1-2 weeks and then it would slowly fade away. I am pleasantly surprised to say it has done the opposite! I am enjoying the project even more now than when I started! There are certainly days that are tougher than others and sometimes I'll be sitting at the computer, looking at the clock blinking at me: 11:45pm and thinking, "I've got 15... plenty of time to shoot something. Then edit it. Then upload it. Ahhh!!" But, its on those days that I really try and stretch myself and not give up. Even if I'm a tad late getting up the photo, I just do it! I'm very proud that this week, I really tried to shoot different subject matter than my normal super-macro stuff... True, I kind of went to the extreme other end of the spectrum with super-telephoto shots, but at least I'm trying!
For anyone who is thinking about starting a Photo 365 project (or any Photo X project), here is some insight that I've picked up from my first 30 days:
1: Shoot every day!
2: Try mixing staged scenes with un-staged (re: "snapshots") to really stretch your skills/comfort level.
3: You don't need a big space to do staged photos. Sometimes any flat surface will do! In one setup I did, I just used a piece of white canvas draped over a lawn chair to make a pedestal.
4: Take pictures of everything! Take pictures of things that you think are "common" (ex: making dinner, doing dishes, making coffee), but try and take the picture from different angles, use different lighting, try and get weird effects, anything! Just shoot!
5: Shoot every day! (Yeah, I know I this is a repeat, but its important!)
I'm looking forward to the next 30 days, and I hope that my work continues to improve!
My artsy tasks this week were mostly all completed, but with varied results.
1) For my weekly photoshop projects, I did complete all three, but my collage really needs work. I think I'm starting to get the hang of layers - and yes, they are the most bestest thing ever! I did do another selective color picture this week (Aces), and I really liked how it turned out! I highly recommend trying it; it can turn a bland picture into something that "pops".
For this week, I'm doing another multi-layer project and going to try my hand at a HDR (High Dynamic Range) photo.
2) For the video I'm working on, I finally got the script/idea solidified and its progressing nicely. I'm going to do some voice-over and sound effects work this week as well as some green-screen shots (first time - woo!) I hope to post the video here (and just about everywhere else!) when I get it done and I would love feedback and comments!
3) For the website... I tried to do some updates/editing, but the webserver (AT&T... sigh) was being grumpy and would not let me upload my changes, so that's my project for THIS week: Find out why AT&T is so special.
4) Bonus Task: We purchased a sewing machine this weekend, for some other art projects, but I was playing with it and I had quite a bit of fun (lets just say, I can make a very near straight-ish line!). I have a few small projects in mind, that while silly, I think will be fun. I'll post my finished work here once I am done (and don't be surprised to see a macro-shot of a sewing machine sometime this week!)
Lastly, I want to thank those of you who have commented to me (either via email or in-person) on the work that I've been doing. I do really appreciate all the comments and input that you have provided.
335 more to go!