Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photo 365 - Day 157 (Kanopik Jars)

Day 157 (December 7th, 2010)
Title: Kanopik Jars

Canopic Jars were used in "Olde Tyme Egypt" (Ancient, for you sciency folks!) and they were made from clay or limestone.  Basically, they were the "Zip-lock baggies" for important people's key 'bits' (the stomach, intestines, lungs, and liver).  The bits were to be preserved for the ages, or until some random museum opened them and hoards of kids went: "Eww!  Gross!  Can I have it?"  

I saw these plastic containers and for some reason (mostly because I'm completely nuts) I thought; "You know, if we still used Canopic Jars this is totally what they would look like.  Course, these would be the ones that Target made, but I bet Martha Stewart could make some kick-butt ones." I really, REALLY hope I don't start a new trend with these ideas...


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