Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Artist of the Day - Day 10 - Jimmy Durante

Jimmy Durante; Musician, Actor, Comedian, Schnoz.

For today’s artist I’m choosing Jimmy Durante for two reasons; first, I really like Jimmy.  He was a start from one of the shortest “art movements” – the radio show.  The radio era only lasted about 30 years, from early 1920’s to 1950’s, when television took over as the major form of household entertainment.  Jimmy started as a radio personality and hosted many radio shows.  After making a name for himself, he transitioned into TV roles and continued to sing, dance and act.  He acted in many comedy shows, movies and recorded 5 albums in the 60’s (30 years after being on the radio!)  While some of his songs are a bit “dated”, they are a wonderful “slice” of that time period. 

The second reason I choose Jimmy, was because today (Jan 1st) was the birthday of someone who was very close to me and in remembrance I wanted to choose someone he would have enjoyed listening too.  I think he would have enjoyed watching an old episode of Jimmy Durante singing with Carmen Miranda and Frank Sinatra. 

And to paraphrase Jimmy:  "Good night, Mr. Allyn, wherever you are."


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