Sunday, September 26, 2010

Photo 365 - Day 80 (The Moon)

Day 80 (September 22nd, 2010)
Title: The Moon

On September 22nd, there was an amazing Super Harvest Moon; basically when the moon rises within a very short time of the sun setting, giving it a) the illusion of being larger and b) more dramatic colors (red, amber, yellow).  Now, while all of those thing are really neat - and they are, it was basically moot because I didn't have my camera when it happened (after the sun completely sets, the effects of the Super Harvest Moon are greatly reduced).  But, rather than let the moon mock me like that ("Hey!  Look at me being all photographic and artsy!  Oh, you don't have your camera?  Ha, ha!") I decided I would just shoot it anyways! 

Technical bits: f/10 at 1/640th (using spot meter to get the correct light reading), using 70-300mm lens at 300mm. 

Moral of the story:  The moon is a punk. 

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