Sunday, May 1, 2011

Photo 365 - Day 249 (Meow)

Day 249 (March 9th, 2011)
Title: Meow

First, I just wanted to say how much I love technology (as if you couldn't tell from all the geek-related things I talk about).  I mention this, because many moons ago, if we were just walking around and I saw something amusing or neat that I wanted to take a picture of, I would have been really bummed out if I forgot to bring my camera.  With today's "mobile communications devices" (you can't really call them phones any longer, because lets be honest - how many people use their phone for just calls?) you have so many more tools at your fingertips, including quality digital cameras built-in. 

With that being said, we were walking around Albany (trying to find an old button store - don't ask) and I saw this cute image in the sidewalk.  Now, when my brother and I were kids, we always tried to do this kind of stuff in wet cement - but boy did we get in trouble if we got caught.  I'm sure there are some driveways or sidewalks in the Santa Cruz mountains that still have our initials on them.  All I know, if I ever have to pour cement for anything, I'm going to go crazy drawing in it. 


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