Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo 365 - Day 219 (Hydrant4)

Day 219 (February 7th, 2011)
Title: Hydrant4

Sometimes walking around, you see something that is just "different" than you expect.  While walking around the city, one sees a lot of fire hydrants and they are the normal "fireplug" type (small, round, "mushroom" shaped).  But, I saw this one on the side of a building and I thought - that's a bit odd.  I'm not sure what exactly grabbed my attention about it, but I just it looked neat.  Originally it was color, with a nice coppery look to it, but after trying it as a black and white, I realized I enjoyed it more.  Lots of shadows and highlights playing off each other as well as shapes.  I'm big on shapes in photos (as you'll see in the upcoming weeks), so perhaps that's what really grabbed my attention.  Either way, I hope you enjoy it!

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