Saturday, October 16, 2010

Photo 365 - Day 95 (Lemon Bud)

Day 95 (October 6th, 2010)
Title: Lemon Bud

We have a little lemon tree named Mabel, and she sits out on our balcony enjoying the sun and generally just being a tree.  Now, Mabel is a pretty young tree and has so far only had one lemon.  This year, since we moved, Mabel has been a bit moody and decided not to give us our annual lemon.  I thought she was still mad at us for moving her away from her other tree friends, but when I walked out and watered her today, I noticed she was covered in little flower buds!  Woo!  Generally, flower buds mean more lemons!  These buds are pretty small (1/4 of an inch at most), but I am still excited to see them!  So excited in fact, that you get to see one too! 


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