Both my wife and I are huge Doctor Who fans and I feel getting 56 custom pieces of Who-related art would be a great way to celebrate our 15th anniversary.
In keeping with my previous custom decks, I am going to try and complete this deck once again with the help of Magic: the Gathering artist. While I'm not going to be attending quite as many Grand Prix events this year, I am attending some on the East Coast, which I hope will let me engage with artist I don't normally run into (as I mostly do West Coast events).
I've set this deck up in the following ways: Each suit will be a specific category of Who. Hearts will be the 13 Doctors, the Diamonds will be companions, Clubs items/places in the Who-universe and Spades the villains. The four Jokers will be different version of the Doctor Who logo.
And now, the first batch of cards that I received from Grand Prix Seattle/Tacoma!
(Ps: Please note, these are some of the best pieces that I've ever gotten, so you may become stunned by their awesomeness).
Christopher Rush
Lake Hurwitz
Lake Hurwitz
Chuck Lukacs
Chuck Lukacs
Ken Meyer Jr.
Ken Meyer Jr.
Rob Alexander
Rob Alexander
Jesper Myfors
Pete Venters
Zack Stella
Clint Cearley
Clint Cearley
Mark Poole
RK Post
RK Post