Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Photo 365 - Day 336 (Emergency)

Day 336 (June 4th, 2011)
Title: Emergency

It's been a bit of a long and mental exhausting week, and I'm afraid we are only half way through it.  Recently a family member suffered a major medical condition, so we had to pack-up and move to Colorado for a little bit.  I was able to quickly pack my small "point-and-shoot" camera and small laptop, so I'm certainly going to give it my best shot to complete my Project 365 by July 4th, but depending on how things go, it might be a bit late.  I'm sure everyone understand that this project, was important and fun, has to take a back-seat (as with everything else) while this emergency is happening.  Both Theresa and I want to thank those of you who've sent messages and good thoughts, and we hope things will become more stabilized soon.

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